UTM Photo Gallery photos.utm.my is a collection of UTM-owned images maintained and updated regularly by the UTM Office of Strategy & Corporate Affairs.
Read here about the step-by-step guidance on how to upload your event photos to UTM Photo Gallery
Faculties, departments and other offices within UTM are welcome to share any photo collections from activities and events organized by faculties/offices to the UTM Photo Gallery as one of our synergy initiatives.
✔️ Photos uploaded should be captured and owned by faculties/offices –not owned by others to prevent any copyright issues.
✔️ Only photos captured at university events or in-campus activities are allowed to be uploaded to this gallery –do not upload personal photos or external events photos to this gallery.
✔️ Please choose good quality and meaningful photos to upload –do not upload blurry, duplicated, insignificant pictures.
✔️ Please be informed that by uploading your photos in this Photo Gallery, you are giving the right to UTM to use your photos for any purpose or publication.